Spin Again Sunday: The Bride Game, 1971

The Game: The Bride Game, “the exciting game of planning a wedding.”

Copyright Date: 1971.

Object: “To be the first girl to get her complete matching wedding party along with the necessary accessories for the wedding ceremony.”

Recommended For: “Girls 8 to 14.” I don’t think they really needed to specify girls.

The Box: What girl could resist that full-length portrait of wholesome bridehood? Well, lots of girls probably could and did, but it would have snared me.

The box photo immediately called Tricia Nixon to my mind.  That might have been what Selchow & Righter was going for—Tricia Nixon did marry in 1971. Tricia’s gown was downright sexy, however, compared to the prim one our box bride wears.

The Board: In the early 1970s, Selchow & Righter (best known for Parcheesi and Scrabble) tried to carve out a niche in girls’ games. In this series, we’ve seen another of their offerings—the Emily Post Popularity Game. Like that game’s board, this one features misty pastel graphics.

Game Pieces: Regular colored pegs, wooden rather than plastic. The die is unusual; it has a natural wooden finish and sports numerals instead of dots.

Game Play: Before she can march down the aisle, each player must collect cards representing a bride, a groom, and honor attendants ALL IN THE SAME STYLE. Yes, the instructions give that last part in all caps. You wouldn’t want to commit a disastrous faux pas by having a groom dressed in “Daytime Formal” style and a Maid of Honor dressed for a “Semi-Formal” wedding, would you?

The grooms

The attendants

The brides. So, readers, what apparel would you pick?

Some of the other game cards. I’m glad the snazzy lingerie is something new, rather than something old or, worse, borrowed.

Each player must also collect a wedding cake card, a bridal bouquet card, and a wedding ring card, as well as cards representing something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.

While collecting these cards, players circle the board and visit the pastry shop, flower shop, jewelry store, and bridal salon. When all the cards are in hand, players can start marching toward the altar.

Today’s Bonus Feature: When it comes to bride-related toys, this game doesn’t live up to the Bonnie Bride doll, who could actually toss her bouquet. You know it was a quality product, since it was “sold only at food markets.”

5 thoughts on “Spin Again Sunday: The Bride Game, 1971

  1. reretro says:

    scary and hilarious in equal measures! where did you find this stuff?

    • Amy says:

      I found this game on eBay. When you enter search terms like “vintage board game,” all kinds of crazy things pop up.

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. I admit I am fascinated with the Bonny Bride Doll. No batteries? Does she have any other outfits? And, as you had asked, only available in Food Markets?

  3. Amy says:

    You got me thinking about the doll, too, so I did some Googling. Here’s an interesting article on Bonnie Bride and other supermarket dolls of that period (http://collectdolls.about.com/cs/fiftiesdolls/a/supermarketdoll.htm), and here’s a photo of an original Bonnie Bride store display (http://www.thedeluxedollhouse.com/id38.html).

  4. Carrie says:

    My sister and I treasured this game and agreed that daytime semi formal with the headband was the worst. This game brought up another game, “Mystery Date”, which apparently you spun some doorknob to reveal your date. We did not have this game but the word on the street is that The Bowler was the worst date to reveal, while the character known as The Dud, was in fact an unintentional Hottie. PLEASE FIND AND REVIEW! And thanks, this blog cracks me up!

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